Local Development and Inclusion Programme: Results of the LDI02 call


On 13th August 2021 the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the SR as the Programme Operator of „Local Development and Inclusion“ programme implemented within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-202 made a Decision on award of grants (decision on which projects shall be supported) for the call LDI02.

The call LDI02 was launched on 8th September 2020 and was aimed  to support community-based interventions in or for the direct benefit of marginalised Roma communities using an integrated approach, i.e. linking multiple interventions to improve their status and opportunities in the fields of education, employment, health, housing or non-discrimination. The total call LDI02 allocation is 6 000 000 €.

The call was closed on 15th January 2021 and 32 project applications were submitted in amount of 21 429 134 €. Five projects will be supported within the call in the amount of 4 293 598 € and four projects will be implemented in partnership with a donor project partner from Norway.

The results of the call LDI02