
The Government Office of the Slovak Republic as the Programme Operator of the „Domestic and Gender-based Violence“ programme implemented within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 launched the Open call DGV01 for proposals on the support of organizations promoting equality between women and men and work life balance on 18th July 2019. Within the first round closed on the 15th October 2019 8 project applications were submitted in the total amount of EUR 1,445,616. The total allocation for the DGV01 Open call was set to EUR 1,440,000.

Submitted project applications after meeting the administrative and eligible criteria were evaluated by experts. Subsequently the Selection Committee of the DGV Programme reviewed the ranking of the project applications based on the expert evaluation during its meeting on 8th January 2020. The Selection Committee decided to recommend 7 project applications for support in the amount of EUR 1,265,111. One application was rejected for not obtaining the minimum amount of points needed.

Out of the total allocation of EUR 1,440,000 determined to the DGV01 Open call, there is still at least EUR 179,889 available for the second round of DGV01 call. Open call, project application template and its annexes can be found here: