The first call under the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Roma Inclusion Programme has been launched!


On 15th of July 2020 the Programme Operator – Government office of the SR launched a Call for proposals within the programme “Local Development and Inclusion”. 

The programme seeks to strengthen social and economic cohesion in Slovakia. The aim of the first call LDI01 is to support projects enhancing access of vulnerable children and youth in disadvantaged areas to a broader range of extra–curricular activities to improve their personal development and provide them with skills increasing their chances to succeed in society.

Supported projects shall create multifunctional youth centres in the Least Developed Districts. The multifunctional youth centre is defined as a whole structure of centres working with children and youth involved in the project.

Youth centre shall mean any institution (schools, school facilities, leisure-time centres, sports clubs, libraries, health centres and even less institutionalised types of centres) working with children and youth. The applicant (usually a municipality) should have a clear and coherent vision of working with children and youth on a given territory, thus in every supported project, wider range of measures, activities, centres and institutions working with children and youth is expected.

This call is the opportunity to implement projects that help children and young people from disadvantaged areas in Slovakia improve their life perspective.

It is also an opportunity for local and regional institutions in cooperation with Slovak and Norwegian partners to implement projects with the intention of creating a multifunctional centre for young people, which will contribute to increasing their personal development and thus their standard of living.

If conditions for traveling are suitable, the Bilateral Fund Call for grant application submission within the programme “Local Development and Inclusion” LDIBF01 for establishing and development of the partnership with potential donor partners from Norway in order to submit a join project application within the call LDI01 is expected to be launched during this summer. The Information day is planned to take place at the beginning of September 2020.

Call LDI01 available HERE